I'm going next week on a short trip and thought this would be a great opportunity to post a packing list :)
So first i'll prepare in the evening before I leave the clothes I'll put on and what i'll take with me:
Clothes:- Aome comfortable jeans or other pants
- A cushy shirt
- A Cardigan or thin Pullover because it can get pretty chilly in a plane
- Jacket (depends on your destination if you need to take it with you)
- Shoes
- Accessories
- Thin scarf if you get a sore throat easily
- Sunnies
Also don't forget the underwear and socks, so if you're late and in a hurry you wont need to search for them
Cosmetics:The air in plains is allways pretty cold and very dry so you'll need to take some stuff for your skin
- Lipbalm
- Hand creme
- if it's a long flight take your moisturizer and some refreshing tissues with you
Entertainment:- A mag, book and/ or your iPod
- Cellphone (don't forget to switch it to flight mode)
- Digital camera
- Pen (sometimes you'll need to fill in a form, or for crossword or sudoku)
- Guidebook, map
Other:- Ticket!! :)
- Wallet with money and ID in it
- Passport + Visa (pedending on your destination)
So now to the suitcase for 4 days you'll need 4 outfits, but we're packing smart, so my tip: take a lot of accessories and you'll be able to change your outfit without changing everything. Make a smart choice with the clothes and take just tops and pants that go together!
Clothes:- 2nd pair of pants
- 1-2 Shirts (one more casual the other more dressy)
- Underwear
- Cardigan/ Thin Pullover
- Ballet Flats
- Accessories
So here are my clothes and make-up
Hair and Body:- Brush
- Tail comb
- Curling iron/ straightening iron/ Blow-dryer
- Heat Protection
- Hairspray
- Some scrunchies and bobby pins
- Nail file
- Deodorant
- Medicine
- Any sanitary products you'll need
mostly existing in hotels, if not also pack:
- Shampoo+ Conditioner
- Shower gel
- Body Lotion
- Shaver
Cosmetics:- Make-up remover (I'd take Remover- Wipes)
- Moisturizer
- Make-up
- Sunscreen (very Imortant because of the aging process of your skin, put some over your Daycare everyday)
and take your cell phone/ iPod charger
As you can see you don't have a lot to pack and also try to get some travel size bodylotions, hairsprays and so on :)